The state of the art of our testing systems allows us to apply our knowledge of metrology to all instrumentation involving volume measurement and especially gas meters.
Technological changes and new reference standards have led us to be a reference in the engineering of the instruments and methods required to perform qualitative evaluations on the measurement of a physical quantity. In particular, our work is related to both legal metrology, to assess all types of conformity, and technical metrology, to study and assess the quality of a measuring instrument.
Our satisfaction, your added value
One of our first satisfactions as a company was being recognised as a ‘Notified Body’ in accordance with the EU Directive 2004/22/EC (MID). This recognition was sanctioned with a special Ministerial Decree of 21.11.2008 by the Ministry of Economic Development and was then completed with accreditation number 2142 by the European Community.
This recognition has given us a European value, as we can operate in all the States of the Community and by virtue of this title we are called upon to manage all the acts and fulfilments previously pertaining to the ministerial offices and aimed at achieving the ‘CE’ Certifications necessary for the production and placing on the market of gas meters (MI-002) and their components.
Legislation on your side
The reality of national legislation delegates to private institutes functions of control of public faith and at present we are the only national metrological laboratory, specialised in gas measurement, to be independent from manufacturers, distributors and retailers of this energy source.
The Electricity and Gas Authority itself has stipulated that measurement checks on the functioning and accuracy of gas meters must be carried out by qualified, independent laboratories. In accordance with national and international reference standards and together with leading national institutes and centres, we actively collaborate in the study of measurement techniques and related issues.
Foundation of Tifernogas, one of the first metrological laboratories in the gas sector
European Notified Body No. 2142 according to Annex MI-002
Expansion of the laboratory with new technologically advanced test rooms
LAT Calibration Laboratory in accordance with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025
Notified Body - extension 2014/32/EU MI-002 module D
Notified Body - extension 2014/32/EU MI-008 modules B,F1, A2, E/E1
H2 Lab - Hydrogen Laboratory
OIML Issuing Authority (IA), Testing Lab (TL) and Utilzer per OIML Recommendation R137
LAT Calibration Laboratory - extension up to 1000 mc/h
EU Project on Hydrogen - H2flowtrace