We have extended the dictates of legal metrology worldwide. We are one of the few OIML Issuing Authority, Testing Laboratory and Utilizer for OIML Recommendation R137 in the world and the only one in Italy. With our support, customers can look to the global market with the guarantee of international mutual recognition of the OIML-CS certification system. For more details visit the OIML website or ask our experts.
We are notified body for Directive 2014/32/EU MI-002 and MI-008.
MID Regulation MI-002Note: the Notified Body is authorised to carry out certification activities in accordance with Directive 2014/32/EU (authorisation issued by Directorial Decree R0000436 of 13 July 2023)
Notification information via identification code ‘2142’, at the following address (NANDO database):
https://webgate.ec.europea.eu/single-market-compliance-space/notified-bodies/free-searchReference Notified Body: Gilberto Serafini | gilberto.serafini@tifernogas.it
We are an accredited calibration laboratory for gas volume measurements in accordance with UNI CEI ISO/IEC 17025
Use the contacts for any informationAccreditation Certificates can be viewed and downloaded at www.accredia.it
We are inspection body for periodic inspections in accordance with DM 93/2017.
Regulation DM 93Use the contact details for any information on the reports issued or any complaints about the inspection body
Accreditation Certificates can be consulted and downloaded at www.accredia.it
In today's extremely competitive market, certification of the company's Quality System is an essential requirement for placing products and services on the market. It is for this reason that we have been working since 2007 to apply the ISO 9000 standards, through an optimisation of the internal management system, promoting the continuous improvement of the company's performance over time, increasing its competitiveness on the market, with particular regard and attention to the end customer.
ISO Certificate